There will be no more updates from me, i'm saying goodbye to the gta modding scene. But to not make all the programs i made go to waste, i have a plan: Anyone who asks for it, will get the source code for any tool i made, there's also a lot of unreleased tools so if anyone wants a look i am willing to give that as well, source code for most tools will compile in delphi versions 4 and up, some require custom components that i made, if you are willing to take over and continue updating tools i am willing to also explain and help you around the source code. Contact by email:
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The website works, the files are back up, so enjoy and download whatever you came here to get, big thanks to GTANET staff for resolving the hosting problems. I am slowly retiring from being active in the gta modding scene, which doesn't mean i'm completely quitting, i'll hang around for a while, doing other interesting stuff (like this sa-mp map editor), but i'm not going to produce any more tools or updates for gta in general, there will be soon one more final update with a lot of interesting things before this website is closed as it served its purpose, but i hope it stays online to serve anyone interesting in future modding. So stay tuned for that last package of goodies, it's comming soon. |
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GTAMP.com has released a new version of GTA2 Game Hunter, the new version brings the badly needed face lift to the cluttered GTA2 network window, which i created specially for the GTA2 Game Hunter, as well as many bugfixes and new added features, download here: GTAMP.com/GTA2. |
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 I've released a update for GTA Garage Mod Manager, Here's a list of updates:
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOW VERSION 2.3C which has various fixes for other 2.3x versions!!!
Version 2.3C build: 070207: - fixed installer drag&drop bug and wrong work in progress tab being shown by default accidently - fixed vice-city and gta3 wheel rendering - fixed calculation of zoom level for models created with zmodeler
Version 2.3B build: 050207: - fixed text parsing routines to handle tab characters properly.
Version 2.3 build: 200107: - fixed search box.
Version 2.3 build: 200107:
- fixed: various internal bugs have been fixed which have not caused specific large-scale troubles - added: visually improved car list & find box to blend with interface - added: when viewing models, it automaticly selects ideal zoom - added: you can change heading of car's front wheels.
DOWNLOAD IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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 I've released a new GTA2 tool, it switches gta2 to 3DFX Glide mode, which, used together with a Glide to OpenGL wrapper can improve GTA2's graphics. Download Link
There's also an articles page for this tool: Articles page
GTA2 multiplayer is live and kicking ;) if you're interested in GTA2 multiplayer, visit: GTA2 Game Hunter Download |
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Making a long story short, the website is now restored, and works great, if any problems exist, post a comment to this news item.
I wish to thank http://www.jar-jar.com for temporarly hosting the website during the downtime. |
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PC Format UK has a feature on importing your own car models into different games including GTA in its August issue 191 and features TXD Workshop in the tutorial and on the accompanyng disc. |
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I updated TXD Workshop to version 4.0d, which fixes the annoying progress range error when saving newly created txd files.

Download Here. |
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Some of you may have noticed that files section didnt work as expected for some time, i replaced the entire Pafiledb file management script with new home-made script which is based on plaintext files instead mysql databases, which also means, that website should have a lot less downtime, as the sql server likes to cause problems. The new file management script supports categories, listing, download counting, download licenses and basic full-text search function. Old pafiledb has been replaced with a dummy redirect script, which can redirect old file pages to new ones and old index to new index page. Also, now the entire website is completely W3C compilant, enjoy. If you still have any problems with the website (html errors, missing files...) post a comment on this news item. |
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A update was made to GTA Garage Mod Manager (GGMM) to upgrade it to version 2.1 build: 25030X:
- fixed: vicecity and gta3 wheels now again work properly - fixed: program will no longer render additional objects under hirerarchy root, only first object that it finds, this is also how gta does it. - added: program now doesnt use 100% cpu usage, it will now only use so many cpu cycles as it needs to. - added: detects and warns about corrupt txd files - added: file dialogs in manual car installer are now resizable (thanks to Scuanor for noticing it) Jump Here to download it. |
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I updated TXD Workshop to version 4.0B, which includes a very important inside-img file deleting fix.
here is list of changes: + Fixed bug when deleting files from img file (shouldnt corrupt files but there is a chance if you used it combined with other actions too) + Added toolbar button that can be toggled, it will toggle the image list to show extra large thumbnails. Download HERE! |
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A update was made to GTA Garage Mod Manager (GGMM) to upgrade it to version 2.0 build: 11020X:
- added: shows cars in custom colors you wish - for car designers - added: car view by default rotate and animate until used, this is done so that people dont think that cars are just pictures ;) you can right click and click animate to put it into animate mode at any time. - added: + and - numpad keys now also control zoom (for those without mouse wheel and notebook users) Jump Here to download it. |
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After letting people participate in beta test and even if the feedback was almost null i have now polished and uploaded the txd workshop 4.0:
here is list of changes: + inside-IMG editing ability + Fixed some more bugs that should reduce crashes and memory leaks + Fixed the file asociation checkbox, now works on XP too + Fixed a nasty bug if txd file was empty or corrupt Download HERE! |
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Just to announce this loudly, THE INTERNET IS TOO SLOW FOR ME (and no, i don't mean the internet conection). |
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Those who haven't noticed yet, i updated txd workshop to version 3.8 build: 121105:
This is what is new: + GUI enchanchements + fixed some nasty TGA import / export bugs + image preview in image list Download it from here |
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Okay, i admit, it was me screwing with the website all day and i broke portions of the website and i can't fix them back, the file script cannot list categories anymore, to view list of files use search and do a simple search for empty text to see all files, the script will be fixed soon. Nevermind, i fixed it now. |
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This is yet another gxt editor for san andreas, so what is so special about this one? it is probably the fastest one - gxt files are loaded & saved & displayed in just a second, plus the whole file edits like a text .ini file which makes it very clear, fast and useful
Click HERE to get it. |
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The GTAGarage and GTATools.com are proud to announce the creation and release of the first GTAGarage program, this program will make the distribution and creation of CAR modifications easier than ever before.
The program creates CAR packages for your custom made cars complete with all data needed for installing the car and checks for the need of Dmagic1 wheel mod so that almost nothing can go wrong during installation, the program also contains many useful features which are dedicated to car modders such as manual car data installer and San Andreas col into dff merging which will be extremely helpful in the future. The program works with all 3D gta games, that are GTA3, Vice city and San andreas.
Click Here to get it.
Also important news, the news script is now fixed, so i can now post news and you can post comments again. |
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Website and content is copyright Jernej L. |